
SC2 HD #120 Hacker Cam

SC2 HD #120 Hacker Cam

The #120 “surprise” is footage that I took the time to meticulously analyze in order to expose a cheater in Starcraft 2. At this point, I have no doubt that my opponent was indeed using a maphack, as well as a hack to prevent himself from losing points, and to prevent me from gaining points.

I have posted on the Blizzard forums about this player, and several other players have responded with similar problem with Vnrock cheating and them not gaining points from him. Hopefully he will be banned or some kind of anti-hack measure will be taken.

I admit that the video is a bit long winded, but it was worth it. I was mad that a player with such terrible tactics and mechanics could produce a 2:1 ratio and thrive in such a skill-driven game ALL BECAUSE OF CHEATING.

I hope you all get a chance to watch at least a little of this video.

Tag: starcraft cheats, starcraft, hd, sc2, psystarcraft, psy, beta, replay, commentary, video, gameplay, zerg, hacker, cheater, map, hack, maphack, vnrock, husky, giblet, hdstarcraft, dota, crota, thrash metal, tutorial, editing, weapons, howto, mmorpg, defence, sports, video game, hacking, fps, environment, off-road vehicles, basketball, warfare, hoops, instruction, OMGWTFBBQ, cats

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